Behavior Mastery

A New Concept In Behavior Management.

Behavior Mastery is an innovative approach to managing in the classroom that places you firmly in the driver’s seat. It offers an alternative to punitive measures that emphasize a rewards-based and positive reinforcement model. It involves cultivating greater acceptance, understanding, and compassion towards not only the children in your care, but also yourself.  

By equipping you with the tools you need, Behavior Mastery aims to foster respectful and supportive relationships both inside and outside of class – between students, teachers, parents, and administrators. 


It Starts with YOU!

Behavior Mastery is a brain and body based social-emotional behavior management system that starts with mastery of oneself. As you, the adult connects more with your heart and inner child, you experience & understand how creating Win-Win environments benefit you and the children that look up to you. Behavior Mastery aligns with developmentally appropriate practices and is based in brain science.

5 Tools of Transformation.

With Behavior Mastery, talking with your students isn’t just about words – it’s engaging all senses! Our system shows you how to effectively communicate and create a positive environment for everyone. And the best part? It doesn’t have to be complicated; simple communication can often lead to reduced negative behaviors and pave the way towards better classroom relationships. Plus, this strategy is supported by brain science so you know it works!

  • Pattern Interrupts
  • Pre-Frames
  • The Power Look
  • Unique Positive Reinforcer
  • Fast-Forward Testing

Our Story

Behavior Mastery did not have its beginnings in a typical education setting.

Ron Shuali was participating in a non-traditional education seminar that focused on the study of what it is to be a human being. In this seminar Ron recalled teaching karate to his little cousin as one of the first times he ever experienced joy in doing something outside his indie wrestling career. Following his heart, Ron began teaching at a martial arts school where he learned dojo etiquette and behavior strategies which would lay the foundation of what would later become Behavior Mastery.

Fast forwarding a few years, Ron was invited to teach martial arts at a local preschool and with his “Yes, And!” mindset, he agreed. On January 16th, 2005 he stepped into his first preschool. At first, Ron felt on top of the world when he started his new class and saw all the eager faces ready to learn something he had created. Quickly, his initial optimism was replaced with intense emotions, when one child challenged his authority during his first class. Upsetting thoughts raced through his mind as he struggled to stay composed. – “How dare he not respect me?”, he thought. Then he realized…that child used to be him!

Instead of staying angry, Ron took 2 deep breaths and began to remember what it was like being in his shoes; the countless times he had caused trouble as a kid looking for attention. After he made that connection, his classes were never the same again. 

He understood that the response to behaviors come from programming and that as a teacher he needed to be Win-Win for everyone to benefit. He needed to change HIS behaviors, not the children. He was definitely not at the dojo anymore.

It wasn’t until he discovered yoga that he was inspired to create an entirely new program—YOGARATE™! A unique blend of yoga and martial arts movements, Yogarate™  helps students find success both physically & mentally. Since 2006 Ron has been working to perfect his Behavior Mastery system while teaching Yogarate™ in hundreds of preschools. This unique arrangement allowed him to record, observe and modify his system based on thousands of classes in real-time.

Our Team

Ron Shuali M.Ed
Founder & Presenter

Ron “SHUA” Shuali, M.Ed. has been called the “Messiah of the Mind” and the “Behavior Master”. His laughter filled keynotes, workshops and assemblies are always full of eye opening experiences as audiences have multiple “Ah-HA!” moments. His speaking style and commitment to being real results in audiences awakening their minds to new possibilities in understanding how to truly identify, address and actually SOLVE problems.

Andy C Avellan
Operations & Workshop Facilitator

Andy joined the mission in 2021 helping facilitate workshops for the teachers and helping Ron with the operations.