Experience Transformational Laughter-Filled Early Childhood Professional Development Trainings!

Entertain to retain!

We understand that being an early childhood educator is both rewarding and challenging. That’s why we specialize in providing a system that focuses on the most important aspects of early childhood education: play, social-emotional learning, and managing neurodiverse children. Our goal is to empower early childhood educators to create fun and dynamic learning environments that support the whole child.

Our Behavior Mastery professional development offerings are designed to be engaging and interactive, using a variety of techniques to keep attendees engaged and motivated. We believe that when learning is enjoyable and interactive, it is more likely to stick with our attendees. 

Topics We Cover Include

  • Play-based learning and the importance of play in child development
  • Social-emotional learning and how to create a positive classroom culture
  • Strategies for managing neurodiverse children and fostering inclusion
  • Creative teaching techniques and how to make learning fun and dynamic
  • The 5 Tools of Transformation from The Behavior Mastery System
  • How to identify and create a relationship with your inner child

Do your teachers struggle with…

  • Finding effective strategies to manage the behavior
  • Implementing complicated  behavior systems
  • Dealing with the emotional toll of working with students who exhibit challenging behavior
  • Dealing with the potential for negative consequences of the behavior, such as accidents or harm to self or others
  • Maintaining their own emotional well-being and avoiding burnout

Behavior Mastery is a system that focuses on all children and is easy to implement!

A child's learning environment needs to be entertaining AND educational. Imagine if your team's professional development was as well! This...is Edutainment. Head Start staff need a minimum of 15 clock hours of professional development per year. It’s time to experience laughter-filled trainings, keynotes, and workshops that leave a long-lasting impact on Head Start centers, family child cares and home based educators. I provide solutions that are real-world tested and have worked with thousands of students from all backgrounds. My techniques are constantly updated with my own students in the classroom. Children’s brains are updating faster than your smartphone! They need to be engaged, listened to and receive the gifts that you and your staff can give them. And I’m here to help! ​

Using my BEHAVIOR MASTERY system, I AM ABLE TO manage ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS WITH OVER 100 KIDS and classrooms of preschoolers with ease, joy and confidence!

Ready to help your teachers?

We would be happy to work with you to design a professional development plan that meets the unique needs of your early childhood education program. Please contact us to learn more about our professional development offerings and to schedule a consultation. We look forward to working with you!

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